
Parents Role In Virtual Education

Author: Sathiyamoorthy.C
Director, Chinmaya vidyalayas Chennai

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” Jane D Hull

Education has undergone a paradigm shift. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the education system globally. Online teaching and learning have become a highly popular mode of education in today’s world. It is not a surprise that the e-learning industry is expanding at a rate of 15% per year. As technology and internet connection are being made available to larger sections of people with each passing day, it is evolving as the chief mode of imparting education in the future. The student is no more under the monitoring of the teacher and is away from the traditional school environment. How do you think we as teachers will be able to monitor the teaching learning process? It is the parent who has to lend a helping hand. Thus, one can clearly say that parents play a pivotal role in the virtual education system.

As the student does not have a constant structure like a traditional school, the parent takes on that structural role. The first most important step is to familiarize themselves with the subjects the child is studying. But why is the role of the parent important? One can cite two reasons

Firstly, sitting at home is itself a significant distraction that hinders the focus of the child during online learning. Being at home makes the child vulnerable to many activities. He/she might be not listening carefully or is thinking about the other thing he wanted to do after the classes.

Secondly, the constant urge to stand and roam around the house is another major challenge. Especially kids who are in their initial years of learning cannot wait to move from their seats.

There are various reasons why a teacher parent relationship is very important for a successful teaching learning process. The cycle of learning is not complete without the support of the parent.

Physical Presence Makes A Difference.

It is seen that there is a direct relationship between parents’ involvement and student success. This relation is pivotal when it comes to virtual education. When kids know that teachers are not around to keep an eye on them, they can be inattentive during the virtual classes. But if parents sit around their children while studying online, their physical presence can make a huge difference.

Better Performance

The routine monitoring, especially during the virtual classes, is critical. Keeping a check on the assignments given, checking their behaviour, affirming completion of homework on time are some of the tasks that parents can perform for their child. Your child may need help for developing a study schedule and understanding of assignments given. As a parent, when we set up study time and play time, children develop the habit of both learning and playing. “Work while you work, play while you play” This concept helps the child achieve good grades and improve his/her overall performance. Kids show improved behaviour when parents are involved in their online learning. When parents remain updated with the kids’ class schedule and assignments, he is less likely to skip classes and more likely to finish off with the work that has been given.

Encouragement and Motivation

Parents can encourage and motivate their children to display good etiquettes and discipline, by being a part of their virtual classes. All children are not extroverts. Every child has a certain amount of inhibition. In case your child doesn’t understand something in the online class or is hesitant to raise a question during the class, he or she may take the help of the parent to have a clear understanding of the concept. The parent can also motivate them to ask their doubts during the class. Your presence will fill the child with positivity and infuse in him the confidence and a feeling to be responsible for their performance at school.

Technical Assistance

Technology is the guiding force in the world of education. He who wields this weapon makes a better impact on the students’ learning. Children of today know how to use these technologies way better than us. But, when there are situations where your child cannot get connected to the class, or you face issues with online school, the presence of the parent can help the child avoid skipping the course due to technical issues and attend the class with ease.

Parents- Teachers Relationship During Online Classes

Parents’ involvement in virtual online classes for children will help them build a relationship with teachers. The presence of the parent while the child is studying online can enhance the learning and provides a moral support to the teachers as can also rely on parents in case of some critical information to be conveyed. This undoubtedly raises the teachers’ morale as they feel their students are monitored by their parents’ as well. The quality of education improves when parents are involved in virtual education.

We can thus conclude that parental participation in virtual learning and their monitoring not only benefits the child and the teacher but also provides the parent a comfort zone to interact with the teacher. “True education is not the filling of the pail, but the lighting of the fire” – Only a couple of hours of parental involvement with the child’s online learning will show excellent results in your child’s education by igniting the spark of confidence, enthusiasm and holistic learning.

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