

Author: Dr Neenu S Thangi Principal Agragami Yuga Kendra Yelahenka

Every child has the fundamental right to quality education – one that helps them acquire basic literacy and numeracy, enjoy learning without fear, and feel valued and included, irrespective of where they come from-United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Scaling quality education calls for scaling effective teacher professional development.

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

We have to reaffirm our commitment to the rights of every child to a quality education.

Teachers are perhaps the most important persons in a child’s education. Imparting high-quality teaching is one of the biggest factors impacting student learning.

Studies have found that the differences between a good and an average teacher can equate to a full year of learning for a student. Quality teaching also can play a role in improving equity, as several years of outstanding teaching may in fact offset learning deficits of disadvantaged students.”

This means that the quality and effectiveness of education, training, and continuous professional development for teachers and other members of the education workforce should be a top priority for those working to strengthen quality learning opportunities for all.

As a global education community, we need to learn more about how to sustainably scale quality teacher training opportunities; otherwise, we risk the efforts to scale improved learning outcomes.

Maintenance of quality is critical challenge at large scale, an issue which certainly transcends (go beyond limit) teacher training.

As the quality of teachers’ impacts student learning outcomes, the quality of the trainers, facilitators, and coaches strongly impacts the effectiveness of training and professional development.

This requires careful consideration of the selection criteria, recruitment process, and training of these personnel when designing a training program and planning for scale, including a clear understanding of the knowledge and skills the trainers or coaches must have to effectively train others.

A further challenge is balancing the need to adapt the training content and approach to the local context, while still maintaining essential elements.

There are numerous models and approaches to teacher training and professional development—ranging from coaching to professional learning communities to digital courses

Increasing the number of well-trained and supported teachers who can deliver new content, knowledge, and approaches is mission critical to realizing International Day of Education’s goal of ensuring “a quality education for all”.

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